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Finding Life From Ground-Based Exolife Finder Telescope

It's been a while since we've checked in the our friends at the PLANETS foundation to see how the Ex ...View More

Software Skills For A Job in Professional Astronomy, Plus Space News! (Solo Stream)

Got a great question from Space Junk Podcast Listener who wants to write software in a professional  ...View More

Nobels, Black holes and Wormholes

It's Nobel Season, the time of year when we bestow high honors for contributions to science, literat ...View More

Astronomy's Great Debate: The Nature of the Universe

Earlier this week, Brian sat down with some giants in the field of astronomy and physics to discuss  ...View More

Sean Carroll's Twisted Universe w/ Brian Keating

Sean M. Carroll sat down with Brian Keating last week to talk about all things cosmology, specifical ...View More

Astronomy Book Gift Guide w/ Brian Keating

Join us for a discussion of some of the noteworthy astronomy books that make great gifts for Christm ...View More

Space Junk Podcast: Astro Imaging with Astronomolly

Molly Wakeling has been imaging the night sky for about five years now and she creates some of the m ...View More

LISA Mission Update: The Future of Gravitational Wave Astronomy

Have you been wondering, as I have, what the latest news is on the amazing space telescope known as  ...View More

Viewing Exoplanets Through A Solar Gravity Lens

Exciting new mission concepts based on the theory of the solar gravitational lens are being consider ...View More

2020 Is Over! Space Junk Live Recording w/ Dustin Gibson and Tony Darnell

I can't get Charles Dickens out of my head today: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of tim ...View More

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